6705. Kirjailijat ketjuun - 287

Maikki21.3.2012 klo 11:50
Ketjutetaan kirjailijoiden nimiä. Seuraava jatkaa edellisen nimen viimeisestä tai sitä edeltävästä kirjaimesta. Kun edellinen nimi päättyy kahteen samaan kirjaimeen, myös kolmanneksi viimeisestä kirjaimesta saa jatkaa. Kun nimen lopussa on -en, -én, -een tai -nen, niin halutessaan voi jatkaa myös kahdesta niitä edeltävästä eri aakkosesta, esim. Stephenin p:stä tai h:sta, Hiltusen t:stä tai u:sta, Kathleenin h:sta tai l:stä, Colleenin o:sta tai l:stä, mutta Helenistä vain l:llä, koska seuraava on e.
Mikäli nimessä on Jr. ja Sr. tai järjestyslukua osoittava merkki (esim. III) laitetaan ne nimen loppuun pilkulla erotettuna. Esim. näin Remley, Theodore P., Jr.
Etu- ja sukunimen järjestyksellä ei ole väliä. Mikäli sukunimi on ensin, sen jälkeen tulee pilkku ja sananväli. Etunimiä tarkoittavien kirjainten perään tulee piste ja sananväli, esimerkiksi V. A. Koskenniemi. O'Brien-tyyppisissä nimissä käytetään heittomerkkiä ', ei siis akuutti-korkomerkkiä ´.
Jos nimessä on von, de tai muu aatelisuutta ilmaiseva liitesana, merkitään se sulkeisiin, eikä sitä käytetä jatkona.

Jo käytettyjen nimien tarkistamisessa kannattaa hakusanaksi naputella ensi hätään joko etu- tai sukunimi tai ainoastaan nimen harvinaisin osa.

Huom. Jokainen nimi tulee tarkistaa ennen lähettämistä myös kirjailijaketjun koostesäikeestä. Kopioi osoiteriville ajatusviivaa lukuun ottamatta


ja tsekkaa!

Lähettäjä: RA 21.3.2012 klo 11:46

Jani Matikka (Unelmatehdas)
2. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 11:50
Tšernjonok, Mihail (Tappion uhalla)
3. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 11:52
Kuitenkin oikean nimen laittaisi:

Kimmo Koskimaa (Hukkaperän lauluja)
4. RA21.3.2012 klo 11:53
Mika Pekkola (Aamun kirkastus)
5. Eki21.3.2012 klo 11:55
MacDonogh, Giles (Frederick the Great)
6. Eki21.3.2012 klo 11:56
Abraham, Richard D. (Conversational Japanese - The Easy Method; toinen tek.)

(Ja kiitos..)
7. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 12:52
Davenat, Colette (Kun kuningatar käskee)
8. Eki21.3.2012 klo 13:01
Tedd L. Mitchell (Fit to Lead - The Proven 8-Week Solution for Shaping Up Your Body, Your Mind, and Your Career; yksi tek.)
9. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 13:14
Lea Lerkkanen (Vuosien tuttuus, eli, Arkirakkauden runoja; toinen tekijä)
10. Eki21.3.2012 klo 13:22
Koskinen, Kaj U. (Autopoietic Knowledge Systems in Project-Based Companies)
11. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 15:23
Jacobson, May-Bee (Talvisodan päiväkirja)
12. Eki21.3.2012 klo 15:25
Brattebo, Douglas M. (The Second Term of George W. Bush - Prospects and Perils; yksi toim.)
13. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 15:26
Marja Melfsen (Maija-kulta ja viaton viisikymmenluku)

(Kuin vain)
14. Eki21.3.2012 klo 15:29
John Robert Marlow (Nano)
15. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 15:36
Wurm, Philippe (Maigret virittää ansan; toinen tekijä)
16. Eki21.3.2012 klo 16:10
Powell, Fred (Youth Policy, Civil Society and the Modern Irish State; yksi tek.)
17. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 17:00
David Plaut (The Games That Changed the Game; 1/3)
18. Eki21.3.2012 klo 17:05
Tom Mashberg (Stealing Rembrandts - The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists; toinen tek.)
19. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 18:48
Glennon, Fred (Introduction to the Study of Religion; 1/5)
20. Eki21.3.2012 klo 19:35
Dylan Loeb McClain (ll Duck Before Serving: Red Faces at The New York Times; yksi tek.)
21. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 19:52
Nelson, John K. (A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine)
22. Eki21.3.2012 klo 20:02
Keith McLachlan (The Neglected Garden)
23. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 20:06
Anthony Tully (Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway; toinen tekijä)
24. Eki21.3.2012 klo 20:58
Linda Amster (ll Duck Before Serving: Red Faces at The New York Times; yksi tek.)
25. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 22:00
R. Douglas Arnold (The Logic of Congressional Action)
26. Eki21.3.2012 klo 22:07
Derek Malcolm (A Century of Films)
27. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 22:11
Matthews, Jeffrey J. (Schwartz's Principles of Surgery ABSITE and Board Review; 1/8)
28. Eki21.3.2012 klo 22:24
John F. Mariani (How Italian Food Conquered the World)
29. Maikki21.3.2012 klo 22:29
Isenberg, Marc (Money Players)
30. RA22.3.2012 klo 00:05
Reijo Kupiainen (Medialukutaidot, osallisuus, mediakasvatus)
31. Eki22.3.2012 klo 00:08
Amore, Anthony M. (Stealing Rembrandts - The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists; toinen tek.)
32. RA22.3.2012 klo 00:13
Mannström-Mäkelä, Leena (Voimaannuttavan ohjaamisen käsikirja)
33. Eki22.3.2012 klo 00:21
Andreas Maurer (What Next for the European Parliament?)
34. RA22.3.2012 klo 00:27
Eija Sevon (Perhesuhteet puntarissa)
35. Eki22.3.2012 klo 00:37
Neck, Christopher P. (Fit to Lead - The Proven 8-Week Solution for Shaping Up Your Body, Your Mind, and Your Career; yksi tek.)
36. lisäys 00:2722.3.2012 klo 00:43
Eija Sevon / Eija Sevón
- - -
37. RA22.3.2012 klo 00:49
Päivi Sinko (Laki ja lastensuojelu)
38. Eki22.3.2012 klo 00:51
King, Roger (The State, Democracy and Globalization; toinen tek.)
39. RA22.3.2012 klo 00:56
Eloranta, Pertti (Inland and coastal waters of Finland)
40. Eki22.3.2012 klo 01:03
Tom Bloom (ll Duck Before Serving: Red Faces at The New York Times; yksi tek.)
41. RA22.3.2012 klo 01:15
Marjukka Kenttälä (Kieli käyttöön)
42. Eki22.3.2012 klo 01:17
Lish McBride (Necromancer)
43. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 13:51
Deanna D. Sellnow (Communicate! ; 1/3)
44. Eki22.3.2012 klo 14:11
Warrington, Freda (Elfland)
45. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 14:22
David Bornstein (Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know; toinen tekijä)
46. Eki22.3.2012 klo 14:24
Nasser Weddady (Arab Spring Dreams - The Next Generation Speaks Out for Freedom and Justice from North Africa to Iran; toinen toim.)
47. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 14:48
David J. Berri (Stumbling On Wins: Two Economists Expose the Pitfalls on the Road to Victory in Professional Sports; toinen tekijä)
48. Eki22.3.2012 klo 19:01
Robert Maranto (The Second Term of George W. Bush - Prospects and Perils; yksi toim.)
49. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 20:04
Ownby, David (Falun Gong and the Future of China)
50. Eki22.3.2012 klo 20:08
David Weinberger (Everything Is Miscellaneous)
51. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 20:18
Robert Gandt (The Twilight Warriors)
52. Eki22.3.2012 klo 20:50
David Weiss Halvini (The Book and the Sword - A Life of Learning in the Throes of the Holocaust)
53. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 21:43
Irene Joos (Introduction to Computers for Healthcare Professionals; 1/3)
54. Eki22.3.2012 klo 21:47
Skrbis, Zlatko (The Sociology of Cosmopolitanism - Globalization, Identity, Culture and Government; yksi tek.)
55. RA22.3.2012 klo 21:53
Keijo Suila (luku kirjassa Anja Salokannel - Kaija Valkonen (toim.): Kauaksi kotoa)
56. Eki22.3.2012 klo 21:58
Ahmari, Sohrab (Arab Spring Dreams - The Next Generation Speaks Out for Freedom and Justice from North Africa to Iran; toinen toim.)
57. Wexi22.3.2012 klo 22:13
Bettella, Patrizia (The Ugly Woman: Transgressive Aesthetic Models in Italian Poetry from the Middle Ages to the Baroque)
58. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 22:13
Belinda Bauer (Finders Keepers)

(Kuin vain)
59. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 22:14
Adler, Joseph A. (Chinese Religious Traditions)
60. RA22.3.2012 klo 22:33
Anja Salokannel (Kauaksi kotoa; 1/2, toim.)
61. Eki22.3.2012 klo 22:38
Everett Weinberger (Wannabe)
62. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 23:04
Ringwald, Christopher D. (The Soul of Recovery: Uncovering the Spiritual Dimension in the Treatment of Addictions)
63. Eki22.3.2012 klo 23:13
Darren A. Wheeler (Presidential Power in Action - Implementing Supreme Court Detainee Decisions)
64. Wexi22.3.2012 klo 23:17
Rimmington, Don (Chinese: An Essential Grammar; toinen tekijä)
65. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 23:27
Overmyer, Daniel L. (Religions of China)
66. Eki22.3.2012 klo 23:28
Nathaniel Wice (The Guerrilla Guide to Credit Repair; toinen tek.)
67. Eki22.3.2012 klo 23:31
Lori Aurelia Williams (Maxine Banks is Getting Married)
68. Wexi22.3.2012 klo 23:34
Matt Doeden (The Chinese: Life in China's Golden Age)
69. Eki22.3.2012 klo 23:35
Nathaniel Wice (The Guerrilla Guide to Credit Repair; toinen tek.)
70. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 23:40
Corwin, Gary R. (Introducing World Missions; 1/3)
71. Wexi22.3.2012 klo 23:45
Richard Stubbs (Hearts And Minds In Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1948-1960)
72. Eki22.3.2012 klo 23:47
Birchfield, Vicki L. (Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy - Problems, Progress, and Prospects; toinen toim.)
73. Maikki22.3.2012 klo 23:50
Lynn S. Bickley (Bates' Guide to Physical Examination & History Taking)
74. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 00:06
Edward Clodd (Question: A Brief History and Examination of Modern Spiritualism)
75. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 00:09
Daniel White Hodge (Soul of Hip Hop: Rims, Timbs and a Cultural Theology)
76. Eki23.3.2012 klo 00:19
Giles MacDonogh (Frederick the Great)
77. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 00:21
Gale, Patrick (A Perfectly Good Man)
78. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 00:41
Kennedy, James Ronald (Was Jefferson Davis right?; toinen tekijä)
79. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 00:47
Lukacs, John D. (Escape From Davao: The Forgotten Story of the Most Daring Prison Break of the Pacific War)

80. Eki23.3.2012 klo 01:02
Diana Winstanley (Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management; toinen toim.)
81. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 01:09
Youli Sun (China and the Origins of the Pacific War, 1931-41)
82. Eki23.3.2012 klo 01:19
Nathalie Wlodarczyk (Magic and Warfare - Appearance and Reality in Contemporary African Conflict and Beyond)
83. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 01:33
Kennedy, Walter Donald (Was Jefferson Davis right?; toinen tekijä)
84. Eki23.3.2012 klo 02:03
David A. Wolfe (Innovation and Social Learning - Institutional Adaptation in an Era of Technological Change; toinen toim.)
85. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 02:19
Farrer, D. S. (Shadows of the Prophet: Martial Arts and Sufi Mysticism)
86. Eki23.3.2012 klo 02:27
Swain Wolfe (The Woman Who Lives in the Earth)
87. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 02:32
Francis Parkman (Montcalm and Wolfe)
88. Eki23.3.2012 klo 03:12
Anne Love Woodhull (Every Season; toinen tek.)
89. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 07:20
Linden C. Wolfe (Captivated by Christ)
90. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 13:47
Fazio, Michael (A World History of Architecture; 1/3)
91. Eki23.3.2012 klo 17:16
Lee, Jeanne M. (I Once Was a Monkey)
92. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 18:03
Matthew Frederick (101 Things I Learned in Architecture School)
93. Eki23.3.2012 klo 20:16
Kotlarsky, Julia (The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring; yksi tek.)
94. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 21:24
Adams, Jennifer (101 Things to Do with Gelatin; toinen tekijä)
95. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 21:24
Allen Berger (12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery)
96. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 21:26
Ramachandran, Vivek (BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide)
97. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 21:28
Kelly, Donna (101 Things to Do with a Toaster Oven)
98. Eki23.3.2012 klo 21:29
Kirsten Lobe (Paris, Baby!)
99. Eki23.3.2012 klo 21:32
Andrew A. Gentes (Exile, Murder and Madness in Siberia, 1823-61)
100. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 22:21
Spiller, Harry (Murder in the Heartland: 20 Case Files)
101. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 22:29
Ralph Basui Watkins (Hip-Hop Redemption: Finding God in the Rhythm and the Rhyme)
102. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 22:34
Suffriti, Paul V. (Finding the Truth of Life)
103. Eki23.3.2012 klo 22:48
Val Gillies (Power, Knowledge and the Academy - The Institutional is Political; toinen toim.)
104. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 22:51
Ezell, Lee (Finding Hope When Life's Not Fair)
105. Eki23.3.2012 klo 22:51
Lucey, Helen (Power, Knowledge and the Academy - The Institutional is Political; toinen toim.)
106. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 23:03
Liston, Tom (Counter Hack Reloaded; toinen tekijä)
107. Wexi23.3.2012 klo 23:08
Maitland, Edward (The Perfect Way Or, the Finding of Christ; toinen tekijä)
108. Eki23.3.2012 klo 23:11
Donald Gillies (Radical Diplomat - The Life of Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, Lord Inverchapel, 1882-1951)
109. Maikki23.3.2012 klo 23:20
Sara Baase (A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet)
110. Eki23.3.2012 klo 23:23
Steven E. Lobell (Ethnic Conflict and International Politics; toinen toim.)
111. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 00:16
Laura Lyons McLemore (Inventing Texas: Early Historians of the Lone Star State)
112. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 01:21
Randolph B. Campbell (Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State)
113. RA24.3.2012 klo 09:14
Lanzac (Ulkoministeriö - Diplomaattisia merkintöjä; 1/2)
114. Eki24.3.2012 klo 09:55
Carole Golder (Moon Signs for Lovers - An Astrological Guide to Perfect Relationships)
115. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 10:46
Ralph Winrich (The Moon)
116. Eki24.3.2012 klo 12:48
Charles A. E. Goodhart (Financial Development and Economic Growth - Explaining the Links; toim.)
117. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 12:55
Thomas K. Adamson (The Moon)
118. Eki24.3.2012 klo 12:58
Oshri, Ilan (The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring; yksi tek.)
119. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 13:07
Anna Bonus Kingsford (The Perfect Way Or, the Finding of Christ; toinen tekijä)
120. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 13:25
Dafydd Stuttard (The Web Application Hacker's Handbook; toinen tekijä)
121. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 13:31
Duncan, Christopher (The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World)
122. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 13:45
Richard A. Spinello (Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace)
123. Eki24.3.2012 klo 14:00
Linda Fang (The Ch'i-lin Purse)
124. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 14:05
Gruen, Lori (Sex, Morality, and the Law; toinen tekijä)
125. Eki24.3.2012 klo 14:31
Richard T. Griffiths (Europe's First Constitution - The European Political Community, 1952-1954)
126. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 14:48
Hull, Bill (Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker)
127. Eki24.3.2012 klo 15:45
Lisa Guerrero (Teaching Race in the 21st Century - College Teachers Talk about Their Fears, Risks, and Rewards; toim.)
128. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 16:46
Russell, Walt (Playing with Fire: How the Bible Ignites Change in Your Soul)
129. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 16:53
Theo Fleury (Playing with Fire; toinen tekijä)
130. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 19:47
Richard J. Wingell (Writing About Music)
131. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 20:28
Emily Blake (Playing with Fire)
132. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 21:11
Kathryn Tanner (Theories of Culture: A New Agenda for Theology)
133. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 21:18
Enderle, Dotti (Playing with Fire)
134. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 21:24
Tavani, Herman T. (Ethics and Technology)
135. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 21:34
Timothy Morton (Cultures of Taste / Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism
136. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 21:41
Nancy K. Stalker (Prophet Motive: Deguchi Onisaburo, Oomoto, and the Rise of New Religion in Japan)
137. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 21:50
Robert Alan Manners (Theory in Anthropology: A Source Book; toinen tekijä)
138. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 22:04
Smith, Jonathan Z. (Relating Religion)
139. Wexi24.3.2012 klo 22:15
Norman, Corrie E. (Religion in the Contemporary South: Changes, Continuities, and Contexts; toinen tekijä)
140. Maikki24.3.2012 klo 22:17
Eliot A. Cohen (Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime)
141. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 01:26
Olive Wadsley (Cabaret)
142. Eki25.3.2012 klo 09:41
Edward Marandu (The Regulation of the Power Sector in Africa - African Energy Policy Research; toinen toim.)
143. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 13:24
Darren Dochuk (From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism)

(Kuin vain)
144. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 13:30
Kirstie McLellan Day (Playing with Fire; toinen tekijä)
145. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 14:50
Ann Llewellyn Evans (Shinto Norito: A Book of Prayers)
146. Eki25.3.2012 klo 14:55
Sumila Gulyani (Innovating With Infrastructure - The Automobile Industry in India)
147. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 15:09
Nash, Kathleen S. (Introduction to the Study of Religion; 1/5)
148. Eki25.3.2012 klo 15:29
Simon Gunn (The Public Culture of the Victorian Middle Class)
149. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 15:53
Nancy C. Ring (Introduction to the Study of Religion; 1/5)
150. Eki25.3.2012 klo 16:08
Gunn, Brenda (Deadly Deception; toinen tek.)
151. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 16:41
David L. Chappell (A Stone of Hope: Prophetic Religion and the Death of Jim Crow)
152. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 16:45
Engelhard, Jack (Deadly Deception)
153. Eki25.3.2012 klo 16:50
Kirsten Lobe (Paris, Baby!)
154. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 16:58
Belinda Bauer (Finders Keepers)

(Kuin vain)
155. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 17:06
David Kaplan (Theory in Anthropology: A Source Book; toinen tekijä)
156. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 17:24
Allen Berger (12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery)
157. Eki25.3.2012 klo 17:26
Elisabeth Guerrero (Confronting History and Modernity in Mexican Narrative - New Concepts in Latino American Cultures)
158. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 17:50
Rieger, Joerg (Globalization and Theology)
159. Eki25.3.2012 klo 17:56
Gledhill, John (Power And Its Disguises - Anthropology, Culture and Society)
160. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 18:14
Harbach, Chad (The Art of Fielding)
161. Eki25.3.2012 klo 18:54
Arthur Gunlicks (The Lander and German Federalism - Issues in German Politics)
162. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 18:58
Susan M. Tancrelle (Deadly Deception)
163. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 19:07
Lupton, Rosamund (Sister)
164. Eki25.3.2012 klo 19:11
David W. Gutzke (Britain and Transnational Progressivism; toim.)
165. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 19:17
Kathleen Flake (The Politics of American Religious Identity)
166. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 19:22
Eleanor Taylor Bland (A Dark And Deadly Deception)
167. Eki25.3.2012 klo 20:27
Dennis Gyllensporre (Pursuing Strategy - NATO Operations from the Gulf War to Gaddafi; toinen toim.)
168. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 20:35
Richard N. Longenecker (The Expositor's Bible Commentary; 1/3)
169. Eki25.3.2012 klo 20:42
Emmet C. Thompson II (Fit to Lead - The Proven 8-Week Solution for Shaping Up Your Body, Your Mind, and Your Career; yksi tek.)
170. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 20:48
Norton, Anne (Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire)
171. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 20:50
Ed Skoudis (Counter Hack Reloaded; toinen tekijä)
172. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 20:52
Ithiel De Sola Pool (American Business & Public Policy: The Politics of Foreign Trade; yksi tekijöistä)
173. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 21:29
Lewis, Bob (Bare Bones Project Management)
174. Eki25.3.2012 klo 21:32
Baker, Joann (Dirty Little Secrets - True Tales and Twisted Trivia About Sex; toinen tek.)
175. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 21:40
Armentrout, Don S. (Discovering common mission: Lutherans and Episcopalians together)
176. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 21:41
Siegel, James (Naming the Witch)
177. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 22:23
Seaman, David (Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz: How to Attract Massive Attention for Your Business, Your Product, or Yourself)
178. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 22:28
Donald Bedford (China; 1/7)
179. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 22:42
Raymond A. Bauer (American Business & Public Policy: The Politics of Foreign Trade; yksi tekijöistä)
180. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 23:00
Engebretson, Patrick (The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing)
181. RA25.3.2012 klo 23:04
Khalil (Zahran paratiisi; 1/2)
182. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 23:09
Lewkowicz, John (The Complete MUMPS: An Introduction and Reference Manual for the MUMPS Programming Language)
183. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 23:26
Nadeem Brown (Dirty Little Secret: What No One Ever Tells You About Internet Adult Entertainment Industry)
184. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 23:29
W. Dana Flanders (Medical Epidemiology; 1/5)
185. Wexi25.3.2012 klo 23:44
Sharon Drew Morgen (Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can't buy and sellers can't sell and what you can do about it)
186. Maikki25.3.2012 klo 23:56
Grangaard, Blake R. (History of the World's Religions; toinen tekijä)
187. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 00:07
Rich, Jason R. (The Complete Book of Dirty Little Secrets: Money-Saving Strategies the Credit Bureaus Won't Tell You)
188. Eki26.3.2012 klo 00:30
Richardson, Shannon (Deadly Deception; toinen tek.)
189. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 00:35
Osvaldo Soriano (A Funny Dirty Little War)
190. Eki26.3.2012 klo 01:06
Nicky Britten (Medicines and Society - Patients, Professionals and the Dominance of Pharmaceuticals)
191. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 01:27
Tusa, Chris (Dirty Little Angels)
192. Eki26.3.2012 klo 01:53
Sandra M. Baillie (Presbyterians in Ireland Today - Identity in the Twenty-First Century)
193. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 02:13
Erichson, Carey (Mommy's Dirty Little Secrets)
194. Eki26.3.2012 klo 02:20
Edström, Håkan (Pursuing Strategy - NATO Operations from the Gulf War to Gaddafi; toinen toim.)
195. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 10:36
Ashworth, Trisha (Dirty Little Secrets from Otherwise Perfect Moms; toinen tekijä)
196. Eki26.3.2012 klo 10:50
Hand, Judith (The Amazon and the Warrior)
197. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 11:37
Tony Mandarich (My Dirty Little Secrets - Steroids, Alcohol & God: The Tony Mandarich Story)
198. Eki26.3.2012 klo 11:59
Hanley, Charles J. (The Bridge at No Gun Ri; yksi tek.)
199. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 12:23
Jensen, Liz (My Dirty Little Book of Stolen Time)
200. Eki26.3.2012 klo 12:27
Irène Heidelberger-Leonard (The Philosopher of Auschwitz - Jean Améry and Living with the Holocaust)
201. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 12:35
Dexter, Lewis Anthony (American Business & Public Policy: The Politics of Foreign Trade; yksi tekijöistä)
202. Eki26.3.2012 klo 13:03
Nick Henry (Motorsport Going Global - The Challenges Facing the World's Motorsport Industry; yksi tek.)
203. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 13:06
Rosemary Agonito (Dirty Little Secrets, Sex in the Workplace)
204. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 13:20
Oliver, Dean (Basketball on Paper)
205. Eki26.3.2012 klo 13:24
Aylett, Chris (Motorsport Going Global - The Challenges Facing the World's Motorsport Industry; yksi tek.)
206. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 13:33
Silen, William (Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen)
207. Eki26.3.2012 klo 13:34
Mauceri, Philip (Ethnic Conflict and International Politics; toinen toim.)
208. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 13:44
Pinto, Marcus (The Web Application Hacker's Handbook; toinen tekijä)
209. Eki26.3.2012 klo 17:05
Steven Harper (Unity - Battlestar Galactica)
210. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 17:20
Rachel Wagner (Godwired: Religion, Ritual and Virtual Reality)
211. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 18:01
Roesenberg, Jack (A Dirty Little Book)
212. Eki26.3.2012 klo 18:21
Chris Haywood (Gender, Culture and Society - Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities; toinen tek.)
213. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 18:42
Deh-Ta Hsiung (China; 1/7)
214. Eki26.3.2012 klo 18:43
Gertler, Meric S. (Innovation and Social Learning - Institutional Adaptation in an Era of Technological Change; toinen toim.)
215. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 18:51
Caldarone, Marina (Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus; toinen tekijä)
216. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 19:04
Amy Nobile (Dirty Little Secrets from Otherwise Perfect Moms; toinen tekijä)
217. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 19:07
Moyes, Jojo (Me Before You)

(Omin käsin)
218. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 19:40
Omololu, C. J. (Dirty Little Secrets)
219. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 19:42
Joseph Epes Brown (The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux)
220. Eki26.3.2012 klo 19:45
Woodall, Jean (Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management; toinen toim.)
221. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 19:48
Adler, Philip J. (World Civilizations; toinen tekijä)
222. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 19:54
Joy King (Dirty Little Secrets)
223. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 19:59
Gaebelein, Frank E. (The Expositor's Bible Commentary; 1/3)
224. Eki26.3.2012 klo 19:59
Kip Hawley (Permanent Emergency - Inside the TSA and the Fight for the Future of American Security; toinen tek.)
225. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 20:01
Yusa, Michiko (Japanische Religionen)
226. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 20:11
Konrath, Jill (Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can't buy and sellers can't sell and what you can do about it; esipuhe)
227. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 20:16
Leffman, David (China; 1/7)
228. Wexi26.3.2012 klo 20:25
Dunnigan, James F. (Dirty Little Secrets of the Vietnam War: Military Information You're Not Supposed to Know; toinen tekijä)
229. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 20:27
Zaller, John (The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform; 1/4)
230. Eki26.3.2012 klo 20:40
Houghton, Gordon (Damned If You Do)
231. Maikki26.3.2012 klo 20:41
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